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Domestic Politics

Italian Senator Matteo Salvini, leader of the populist Lega Nord party, faces a criminal investigation over his decision to disallow 131 migrants from disembarking from an Italian coastguard boat in Catania, Sicily in July 2019. [CNN]

In response to increasing tensions in migrant facilities caused by overcrowding, Greece’s migration minister announced that the country will begin constructing closed camps for asylum seekers on its Aegean islands in March. [Al Jazeera]

International Relations

Alarmed by the visit of a squadron of US Airforce staff to Norway’s airbase in the North Atlantic, Russian officials urged Norway to refrain from “de-stabilising” moves in the geostrategic region. [Reuters]


Following the legislature's approval of a draft bill, Spain is set to become the seventh country in the world to decriminalise euthanasia, despite heavy opposition from the Roman Catholic Church and conservative politicians. [Al Jazeera]

The European Court of Human Rights summarily deported two people charged with scaling the border fence separating Morocco and Spain. This move, which punishes acts committed six years ago, has been criticised by human rights groups for “completely ignoring the reality” along European borders. [Guardian]


According to a report by Sweden’s Board of Health and Welfare, the number of teenagers registered as girls at birth who were then found to have gender dysphoria has risen by 1,500% in ten years in the country. [The Local]


In furtherance of French President Macron’s declaration of 2020 as a “decisive” year for the environment, he has pledged to protect Mont Blanc from overcrowding to reduce the pollution caused by increasing tourism. [BBC]

Germany’s government stated that it will not grant asylum to ‘climate refugees’, as those who migrate due to the negative consequences of climate change are not considered refugees under the current international treaty law governed by the Geneva Refugee Convention. [Euro News]

Image Source: Dawn